foto gemälde mühlviertler granit in granitlandschaft

Granite /Mühlviertel Upper Austria

Gemälde Das Grüne und Das Rote

The red and the green ones, oil paintings, 90x75cm

painting and highway exit construction
painting and highway exit construction

Spring 2024 – Highway exit construction site/ Auhof/ Linz/ Upper Austria, oil painting 

installation fox paintings in the garden
installation fox paintings in the garden
nstallation fox paintings in the garden
installation fox paintings in the garden
installation fox paintings in the garden
installation fox paintings in the garden

Fox, oil paintings, installation

sleeping on black painting
wooden shrine with painting blue and gold leaf
wooden shrine with painting blue and gold leaf
wooden shrine with painting blue and gold leaf

Shrine, wood from pine, oil painting, gold leaf, real cinnabar from china

Vier Ölbilder

Ohne Titel

object snail-shell

Snail-shell with windows, found in the garden